2009 yılından itibaren düzenlenen Nâzım Hikmet Poetry Festival kapsamında verilen Meral Divitçi Türkçe Şiir Çevirisi Ödülü için başvurular 1 Mart 2015 tarihine kadar devam ediyor. Başvuru detaylarını aşağıdan ve festivalin ilgili sayfasından öğrenebilirsiniz:
2015 Meral Divitci Prize for Turkish Poetry in Translation
This award is named in honor of the late Turkish poet and columnist Meral Divitçi and it has been established by her family with the objective of encouraging translation of modern and contemporary Turkish poetry into English. The submitted manuscript should correspond to a complete book of poems or a collection of poems, published by established Turkish poets and should include about 50 or more pages of poems. The award includes a cash prize of $1,000. For more information please visit the festival web site.
For the 2015 prize, manuscript submissions are being accepted through March 1, 2015 via e-mail to contact@nazimhikmetpoetryfestival.org.
2015 Selection Committee:
Aron Aji, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences at St. Ambrose University, Director, MFA in Translation Program, University of Iowa
Erdağ Göknar, Assoc. Professor of Turkish & Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University
Sidney Wade, Professor, Dept. of English, University of Florida
E-mail: contact@nazimhikmetpoetryfestival.org